Products : Detail

RU-WE-90° Wendeeinrichtung

Produkt-Filter - Level 1 (Fenster- / Türenart) Titel:
hal : Holz-Aluminium, hol : Holz, kun : Kunststoff
Produkt-Filter - Level 2 (Hauptgruppe) Titel:
hal-at : Arbeitstische, hol-fe : Fenster, hol-tue : Türen, kun-fe : Fenster, kun-tue : Türen
1Produkt-Filter - Level 3 (Produktgruppe):
hal-at-ats : Arbeitstische, stehend, hol-fe-ats : Arbeitstische, stehend, hol-tue-at : Arbeitstische, kun-fe-at : Arbeitstische, kun-tue-at : Arbeitstische
Eindeutige Bezeichnung EN:
RU-WE-90° Turning device
Eindeutige Bezeichnung FR:
RU-WE-90° Dispositif de basculement de menuiseries 90°

RU-WE-90° Turning device

Designed for turning high elements to be able to transport them on the truck

Equipment and accessories:

  • Variable conveying direction
  • Rotatable system part covered with felt
  • 2 roller conveyors, each 2,000 mm long, mounted at right angles to each other
  • Infeed roller conveyor 90° to the plant section
  • Outfeed roller conveyor 97° to the plant section
  • Rotation by electric motor
  • Both roller conveyors are equipped with 2 flat clamping cylinders each, clamping range 160 mm
  • Maximum length of the turning device in the outfeed position 3,660 mm
  • Control with foot switch in inching mode
  • Required minimum room height in the area of the turning device 3,000 mm

Open product data sheet:

RU-WE-90° Turning device
RU-WE-90° Turning device

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