Products : Detail

RU-VGPA Verglasungs- und Kontrollpresse

Produkt-Filter - Level 1 (Fenster- / Türenart) Titel:
hal : Holz-Aluminium, hol : Holz, kun : Kunststoff
Produkt-Filter - Level 2 (Hauptgruppe) Titel:
hal-at : Arbeitstische, hal-gees : Geschraubte Ecke / Einzelstabfertigung, hol-fe : Fenster, hol-tue : Türen, kun-fe : Fenster, kun-tue : Türen
1Produkt-Filter - Level 3 (Produktgruppe):
hal-at-ats : Arbeitstische, stehend, hal-gees-gees : Geschraubte Ecke - Einzelstabfertigung, hol-fe-ats : Arbeitstische, stehend, hol-fe-gees : Geschraubte Ecke - Einzelstabfertigung, hol-tue-es : Einhängestationen, kun-fe-at : Arbeitstische, kun-tue-es : Einhängestationen
Verglasungs- und Kontrollpresse
Eindeutige Bezeichnung EN:
RU-VGPA Glazing and controlling press
Eindeutige Bezeichnung FR:
RU-VGPA Table de vitrage et de contrôle
Verglasungs- und Kontrollpresse
Verglasungs- und Kontrollpresse

RU-VGPA Glazing and controlling press

The glazing press is made for the glazing, sealing, assembly of the wood aluminium sash or door and the final check.


  • Two pneumatically foldable and movable press bars
  • Simultaneous, synchronous folding and moving of the press bars, thus minimum time required for opening and closing the press
  • Press bars guided at the top and bottom by toothed racks, thus absolutely parallel running during pressing
  • Safety control during pressure build-up
  • With infinitely variable pneumatic lifting device, from 300 - 800 mm
  • As type RU-VGPAE installed in an assembly pit. The electric motor-driven lifting device has a lifting range of 1,900 mm, of which 1,000 mm above and 900 mm below the floor.
  • With safety control and fall protection
  • The system can be supplied with felt, PVC or glide bars and with rubber rollers Ø 48 mm, roller spacing 50 mm or 25 mm.
  • Roller conveyor with steel rollers 200 mm long as installation surface


  • 2 hinged stops for control work and for sealing outside
  • Storage boxes with compartments, to be hooked into the roller conveyor
  • Tilting device available to tilt the support surface from 83° to 90° for mounting doors and sashes

Open product data sheet:

RU-VGPA Glazing and controlling press
RU-VGPA Glazing and controlling press
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