Products : Detail

RU-HRW4 Hubrollwagen

Produkt-Filter - Level 1 (Fenster- / Türenart) Titel:
hal : Holz-Aluminium, hol : Holz, kun : Kunststoff
Produkt-Filter - Level 2 (Hauptgruppe) Titel:
hal-tul : Transport und Lagerung, hol-fe : Fenster
1Produkt-Filter - Level 3 (Produktgruppe):
hal-tul-tul : Transport und Lagerung, hol-fe-tul : Transport und Lagerung, hol-fe-wzhv : Wz.-Halter - Hebezeuge - Verladen
Eindeutige Bezeichnung EN:
RU-HRW4 roll lifting cart
Eindeutige Bezeichnung FR:
RU-HRW4 Chariot de manutention

RU-HRW4 Roll lifting cart

Lifting trolley for easy packing of window elements

The roll lifting cart is positioned behind the glazing station so that the rollers of the glazing station and the rollers of the lifting roller carriage are at the same height.

To secure the elements, a comb-shaped, swing-away holding device is mounted opposite the roll-in side, which secures the elements against tipping over.

The operator rolls up an element and then moves the lifting roller carriage by the element thickness. The process is repeated until the lifting roller carriage is occupied.

The elements are secured by attaching cross boards and lowered onto wooden beams. These are then also connected to the elements.

The lifting roller carriage can now be extended and is ready for a new load.

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