Products : Detail

RU-BM Flügel-Beschlag-Center

Produkt-Filter - Level 1 (Fenster- / Türenart) Titel:
hal : Holz-Aluminium, hol : Holz
Produkt-Filter - Level 2 (Hauptgruppe) Titel:
hal-bm : Beschlagmontage, hol-fe : Fenster
1Produkt-Filter - Level 3 (Produktgruppe):
hal-bm-fb : Flügelbeschlag, hol-fe-bmf : Beschlagmontage Flügel
Eindeutige Bezeichnung EN:
RU-BM Sash assembly center
Eindeutige Bezeichnung FR:
RU-BM Table de ferrage

RU-BM Sash assembly center

The Ruchser sash fitting center allows rational production according to economic aspects.

Important advantages:

  • Add-on-system: According to your needs and requirements the sash assembly table gets composed
  • Easy operation even for untrained workers

Equipment and accessories:

  • Manual or pneumatic adjustment of the table declination
  • Working platform covered with felt or plastic eases the turning and sliding of sashes
  • Pneumatic slew able backing device and pneumatic clamping fixture for the correct position of the sash on the working platform
  • Scanning device for fitting length, for constant, variable and for central gear fit
  • Colour code which makes it easier to find the correct fitting in the rack
  • Hardware punching unit for effective shortening of fittings
  • Variety of different screw units
  • Flexibility through several mechanical stop systems. Those allow a fast setting up of different screw-levels and screwing depths while working with different types of window systems
  • Handle bore drilling equipment for wood and PVC
  • Centring device for the olive-bore for centre gear fit
  • Box staple milling unit
  • Drilling unit for the bore of the rotary band
  • Drilling unit for corner hinge in one, two or three spindleball construction
  • Glazing ledges saw

Open product data sheet:

In operation:

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