Products : Detail

RU-ARFW-S Alu-Rahmenfachwagen für die Holz-Alu-Fensterfertigung

Produkt-Filter - Level 1 (Fenster- / Türenart) Titel:
hal : Holz-Aluminium
Produkt-Filter - Level 2 (Hauptgruppe) Titel:
hal-tul : Transport und Lagerung
1Produkt-Filter - Level 3 (Produktgruppe):
hal-tul-tul : Transport und Lagerung
Alu-Rahmenfachwagen für die Holz-Alu-Fensterfertigung
Eindeutige Bezeichnung EN:
RU-ARFW-S Aluminium frame compartment trolley wood - aluminium window production
Eindeutige Bezeichnung FR:
RU-ARFW-S Chariot de stockage pour capots aluminium pour la production de fenêtres bois-aluminium
Alu-Rahmenfachwagen für die Holz-Alu-Fensterfertigung
Alu-Rahmenfachwagen für die Holz-Alu-Fensterfertigung

RU-ARFW-S Aluminium frame compartment trolley for wood-aluminium window production

The aluminium frame compartment trolley was developed for storage and transportation of aluminium frames for the wood-aluminium window production.

The RU-ARFW-S aluminum frame compartment trolley was developed for storage and transport of aluminum frames for wood-aluminum window production. The RU-ARFW-S offers the possibility of simultaneous access to the elements from both sides. It contains 30 or 20 compartments with a compartment spacing of 30 mm each. The compartment dividers are steel cables covered with plastic, which taper downwards in a wedge shape.

  • Access from both sides 30 compartments, spaced 30 mm. The compartment-dividers are PVC covered steel cables.
    The mounting surface of RU-ARFW-S is covered with felt
  • The dimensions of the alu frame compartment trolley RU-ARFW-S are 1,300 x 1,500 x 2,900 mm (L x D x H)
  • Compartment-height 2,300 mm

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